According to Wikipedia....Michi-no-Eki is a roadside rest area found along highways in Japan. In addition to providing rest areas for travelers, they are also intended to promote local tourism and trade. You can often find shops selling local produce, snacks, souvenirs, and other goods. According to government figures, there are around 900 Michi-no-Eki around the country.
Couldn`t have said it better myself!!
There are three Michi-no-Eki within comfortable driving time from my home. I like to visit and buy local produce and products. There are usually decent Food Court areas selling fast food and local menus.
Yesterday, Teru-chan, a good friend, and I went to a newly opened Michi-no-Eki in Sawara City. I am sorry to say that this is the first Michi-no-Eki that I was disappointed in. Maybe it will get better....
Anyway, we had a nice drive and lunch and on the way home we stopped in at a produce store and got fresh veggies!

All is well that ends well,Yes?
Have a nice day!!
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