A little "heads up" on etiquette concerning the bath and toilet.
Let`s start with the toilet. There will usually be a pair of slippers inside the toilet area. Please remove the house slippers you are wearing and change into the toilet slippers. When you leave the toilet , please change back into the house slippers and leave the toilet slippers in the toilet area.
Allow me to explain....It`s a fact of life, guys I`m sorry ,but I`m going to be blunt....guys spray when they take a leak! It`s a fact! Also, and this includes gals, when you flush the toilet with the top up, there is also a spray. This is FACT. So the toilet floor is NOT clean. You don`t want to wear room slippers into the toilet area getting, forgive me, urine and feces on the bottom of the slippers and then wear those same slippers all around the house. Wouldn`t you say that is ,to say the least, unsanitary! And GROSS!
Next is the bath.The sink and the bath are usually made so that they can be closed off for privacy at bath time.You remove your clothes in the sink area and go into the bath area and close the door. The bathtub will be full of hot water. The temperature of the bath will range from probably 38C to 44C, depending on the season and the preference of the family. All body washing should be done on the tile deck area. Most homes have a shower....use it to wash and rinse yourself. Please make sure that you have rinsed all the soap off before getting into the bathtub.If there is no shower,you will have to scoop the bath water with the little scooper thingie you can see in the picture.Think of it as a water ladle. NO SOAP IS USED IN THE BATHTUB! EVER! The bathtub is for relaxation . When you`re ready to get out ....PLEASE DON`T PULL THE BATHTUB PLUG! The same bath water is used by the whole family, another reason that no soap is used inside the bathtub.
That was a pretty big lesson!
I really hope that you are able to enjoy your bath experience....Japanese style.
Have a nice day!
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